Moynalty NS Logo
School Information
The following points of information are essential for your child's well being at school.

Opening Times
9.20am to 2.00pm - Infant Classes
9.20am to 3.00 - All Other Classes
Check our School Calendar for closures and holidays during the school year. The Board of Management (BOM) accepts no responsibility for pupils outside of these times.

Routines & Guidelines
  • The Morning assembly point is the rear of the school. In the morning children should leave their bags at this point if they arrive before 9.20am.To encourage independence, please drop your child safely at the footpath and allow them to walk to the rear of the school. Junior and Senior Infants are dismissed at 2pm and must be collected by parent/guardian or other responsible person. Please inform class teacher if somebody else is collecting your child. All other pupils are dismissed at 3pm and are expected to be off the property by 3.10pm.
  • In the case of children travelling by school bus the school has no responsibility for their actions on the bus, or for escorting them to and from the bus.
  • Parking at the school requires all parents to be mindful and considerate of others. Spaces at front door are for STAFF ONLY. Parking is "set down" only so please be mindful of the bus pick up at 3pm. No parking on double yellow lines and do not stop in the middle of the driveway to pick up or set down!!
  • There is a short break from 10.45 to 11am. Lunch is at 12.30 to 12.55pm.
  • Parents are requested to provide a balanced, healthy lunch as per the school policy.
  • Glass bottles and chewing gum are prohibited.
  • The use of mobile phones and the wearing of cosmetics is forbidden also. If a child needs to bring a mobile phone into school it must be handed into the office
  • No jewellery other than small stud earrings to be worn.
  • In the event of a pupil being absent through illness of for any other reason, the class teacher should be informed in writing as to the reason for absence on the pupils return to school. All absences are recorded and notes kept by class teacher.
  • If it is anticipated that the absence will be of a lengthy duration, the class teacher should be informed in writing as soon as possible.
  • If you know in advance that a child will be absent due to an appointment or a holiday please inform class teacher in writing in advance.
  • When it is necessary for a pupil to leave during the school day early, a note must be sent to the class teacher and parents are required to sign the log book. Any person collecting a child on behalf of the parent will only be permitted to take the child if the parent has contacted the school beforehand to give their consent
  • Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to details given on the enrolment form e.g. changes in address, telephone/mobile numbers or alternative contact numbers.
  • A monthly calendar and newsletter is provided for all families. All school events and related information are noted here. Parents are urged to read the newsletter carefully.
  • No child may carry medicines to school in their bag or on their person.
  • If medicine is required by a child it must be given to the teacher or principal by the parent with proper and clear written directions for the administration of the medicine.
  • Parents are required to fill in a consent form to allow staff to administer medication.
  • It is important that teachers are made aware in writing of any medical conditions, short of long term suffered by a child.
  • Any child with a temperature or an infectious illness must be kept at home in the interest of the child and school community.
  • At all times when your child is at school one or both parents must be contactable i.e. have a mobile switched on.
  • If you wish to speak with a teacher or Principal for any reason please do not hesitate to make an appointment or telephone the school in advance.

  • Uniform the standard uniform is grey trousers/skirt/pinafore with grey shirt, red tie and navy V-neck jumper. Black shoes.
  • P.E. Uniform: (worn on PE Day only) navy plain tracksuit bottoms, grey polo t-shirt, navy V-neck jumper and runners. No tie necessary for PE. & children must wear proper runners and not converse or other fashionable canvas shoes. Old runners to be kept in school for playing on the astro turf pitch and grass football pitch.
  • Indoor Shoes: Children must wear black indoor shoes with non marking soles. Parents can choose any type of black shoe they wish - canvas / leather / other. I would remind you that laces are discouraged as they can be fiddly and often not tied properly!!
  • In the interest of Health and safety, children must wear proper rubber soled school shoes with straps that are suitable for running and playing in the yard. High heels/pumps/slip on shoes and Ugg Boots are not permitted.

School Crest
In 2004 a competition was held among the pupils to design the crest. The theme of the design was to be something which represented the parish/locality. Audrey Govern, a 6th class pupil at the time, won the competition. Her drawing included the Moynalty colours of red & white, a very large tree, a flock of birds and the Borora River complete with trout. Fr. Joseph McEvoy made some small amendments to the original drawing and produced the final version. At the bottom of the crest is the name of the school as Gaeilge "Scoil Mhuire Mágh nEalta" (school of the Plain of the Flocks of Birds). The crest now adorns the uniform jumper worn by all pupils. When the new school was built in 2012 the Department designed a new digital version of the original crest. This crest is inlaid into the flooring in the reception area of the school. This crest is also visible on all school headed paper, documents and literature.

School Name
Scoil Mhuire is a four teacher co-educational primary school situated on the edge of the village of Moynalty in Co. Meath. Scoil Mhuire Moynalty is also known as Scoil Mhuire Mágh nEalta. In English Mágh nEalta simply translates as 'The Plain of the Flocks of Birds'. In 1939 the two schools in Moynalty Village were amalgamated and the new school was named Scoil Mhuire. In 1940 the newly opened Scoil Mhuire was blessed by Rev. William Cooney.

School Ethos
Scoil Mhuire Moynalty is a Roman Catholic School established with the Minister for Education and aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil, intellectual, physical, cultural, moral, and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. The school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Catholic School provides Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of pupils in the Catholic Faith.

The school follows the standard curriculum as set down by the Department of Education and Skills (DES). Subjects taught are Gaeilge, English, Mathematics, SESE (History, Geography, Science), SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education), Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama), PE (Physical Education). As we are a school under Catholic patronage, the Alive-O Religious Education Programme is also taught in all classes from infants up to 6th class.

A Whole School Assembly is held every week in the GP hall. All classes and staff attend assembly and the Principal leads the assembly with an update on all school news, events, celebrations and weekly award winners from every class. Each week the assembly concludes with a performance from a different class. Assembly is a highlight for all children.

Star Class Awards
During the school week the teachers note all pupils engaging in positive behaviours around the school and reward the pupils' class with a Star Award. At the end of break times the teacher on supervision duty may also give an award for best line in the yard. These awards are displayed in the GP Hall on the Star Class Awards Wall and the winning class each fortnight wins an hour's Golden Time.