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Friendship Team

In an effort to make lunchtimes more active and enjoyable for our pupils on the school yard, and to ensure that all children have an opportunity to be meaningfully engaged at lunchtime, we set up our "Friendship Team". It is now an established part of school life and is a great source of enjoyment for our children.

Our senior pupils have the opportunity to be involved in the day-to-day running of the Friendship Team with the 5th & 6th class teacher overseeing the management of it. The children apply for a position on the team, are allocated a specific day on the timetable and proceed to get involved in some training from the Principal and class teacher. We have a wonderful selection of activities and outdoor equipment, which rotates around our different playground areas. The pupils wear special orange hi-viz jackets with Friendship Team printed on the back. They are easily identifiable and they watch out for any child who may feel lonely on a particular day, or be in need of company.

We are particularly proud of our Friendship Team and its positive impact on playtimes in our school and look forward to watching the Friendship Team go from strength to strength.

Friendship Stop

Our Friendship Stop was set up in April 2014 and is part of the expanding Friendship Team Initiative. The BOM invested in two fabulous picnic benches which are located at the side of the play area. Children can meet at the stop or if they want to connect with another child or a member of the Friendship Team they can sit at the stop and other children can invite them into their game.